Polo Club Is a War Zone

My roommate Emily and I thought it would be a grand idea to move into a place called Polo Club. Little did we know Polo Club is a disgusting shit show. Upon arrival there were fridges, drawers, torn up couches, and litter of all sorts that was strewn throughout the grounds of Polo Club. The nicest part that day was the pool, but that was because the oncoming frat boys had yet to inhabit the area because it was a gray and ugly day. And it was about to get uglier.

When Emily saw trash, dead scorpions, and our broken furniture in our "new" apartment she marched her 6'1'' *unhappy* ass to the front desk and tore the manager a new asshole. You don't fuck with Emily. She will kill you.

I'm 5'2''. She could kill me.

So it's kind of like living with a body guard.

Emily sent the manager running off with her tail between her legs. The place was a royal mess and it was quiet pathetic. My friend Diana lived there once and never even turned in last months rent. Like, Polo Club come on. How do you miss that?

The search for a new apartment began because technically Emily and I were now homeless. And my last first day of school began the next morning. But thank god for good friends. I called up my friend Melissa, told her my situation, and she's letting me stay at her place for a few nights. She essentially lives at her boyfriends so it isn't that big of a deal.

Sitting in Melissa's, contemplating my loneliness along side Netflix and chinese food, I do realize it could have been much worse. But I also realized you could totally get away with being homeless in college. And I drive a truck so that almost doubles my chances of survival. My school has a gym and dining hall, laundry could be done at friends'... it's totally doable! Because get this, just because you're homeless doesn't mean you don't have the funds to take care of yourself. So, I advise anyone who is having a quarter life crisis to be homeless for a few days and see how it pans out emotionally. Could you handle it? I know I am.

Winchester, my truck, has boxes practically popping out of his windows because all my crap is wedged in the backseat like Mexicans trying to sneak across the boarder. And just like those Mexicans, my boxes will eventually find a home.

Eventually meaning Friday. Being a box is a lot easier than being a Mexican.

Sorry, Mexico.
